Below are some tips to help your little one have better sleep at night, and reduce night wakings.
Early Morning Wakings

Between 4:00 and 6:00 am, sleep pressure is lower, increasing the chances of waking up.
If your baby is waking up between 4:00 and 6:00 am, consider it an early morning waking. Before 4:00 am is considered a night waking, while anytime after 6:00 am marks the start of their day.
A wake-up time between 6:00 to 7:00 am is standard and healthy for babies, aligning with their natural circadian rhythm.
If your baby is waking up between 4:00 and 6:00 am, here are some possible causes:
Common Causes
Over-tiredness: Overtired babies often struggle to sleep well at night and may wake up early. Surprisingly, a later bedtime doesn't usually lead to later wake-ups. In fact, it could cause earlier awakenings. If early mornings are a challenge, try moving bedtime earlier. It might seem counterintuitive, but an earlier bedtime, even by just 20-30 minutes, can make a significant difference in helping with early morning wake-ups!
Important: For babies under 3 months, a 9-10pm bedtime can sometimes extend morning sleep. This typically applies only during the newborn stage. -
Review your baby's wake window: An early first nap can reinforce early morning awakenings! When a nap occurs too early, your baby's body perceives it as part of the night's sleep, perpetuating early rising. Following an age-appropriate wake window will help in this case.
Baby is getting too much or not enough daytime sleep: Babies sometimes wake up early if they've had excess daytime sleep, leading to shorter nighttime rest. Contrarily, babies taking short naps might be extremely overtired, causing early risings. Check out our Nap foundation & daytime sleep guide.
Hunger: For young babies, hunger is a frequent culprit. Ensure your baby is getting enough to eat during the day and before bedtime.
Sleep Environment: Light entering the room (which stimulates the brain), noise, or uncomfortable temperatures can disrupt a baby's sleep. Keep the room dark, quiet, and cool. Use blackout curtains and white noise machines to create a conducive sleep environment. You might find these guides helpful:
Baby’s room temperature and sleepwear
The benefit of room darkening for baby’s sleep
The magic of white noise -
Developmental Milestones: Babies at this age undergo rapid developmental changes, which might temporarily affect their sleep. Check if they are teething, learning a new skill etc.?
Sleep Associations: Babies might wake up and struggle to fall back asleep without certain conditions they’re used to, like rocking or feeding. You can help by teaching your baby to fall asleep independently.
If your baby still regularly wakes up early, it might be out of habit. Treat early wakings like nighttime ones: keep it dark, quiet, and all business. Convey through these actions that it's still sleep time.
By addressing the common causes and following the suggestions to improve sleep, you can work towards extending your baby’s sleep during the early morning hours. It may take some time and patience, but with consistency, more restful mornings are within reach.
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