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Improve baby sleep - Wake window by age

The wake window is the maximum amount of time a baby can tolerate being awake between naps and before bedtime.

Why is it important

Wake windows shorter or longer than the age range can cause night wakings, early morning rise, and short non-restorative naps.

Wake windows by age

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Up to 15 months, the wake window is typically shorter at the beginning of the day and gets longer throughout the day.

From 15 months, when the child is down to a single nap, it’s usually the opposite. The shorter window is the one before bedtime.

Striking a balance

Ensuring they're awake long enough to sleep well, yet not so long that it leads to a meltdown. You can add slowly a few minutes at a time.

How to extend the wake window

Go outside or in a different room, play music, splash in the sync, and try different toys.

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