Transitioning From 3 to 2 Naps

The transition away from the third nap is a milestone in your baby's sleep pattern as it indicates that your baby is growing and their sleep needs are changing. This usually occurs between 6 to 9 months of age. It's an important step towards a more consolidated sleep schedule. Here’s a brief guide on how to manage this transition smoothly:
Signs is time to transition to 2 naps:
Difficulty falling asleep or taking short naps (when this wasn't a problem previously).
3rd nap is getting too late, interfering with bedtime, requiring a bedtime after 8:00 pm.
Early morning wakings begin to manifest (because the baby is getting too much daytime sleep)
Baby doesn't seem tired at nap time- difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
Transitioning Steps:
Gradually Extend Wake Times: Gradually extend the time your baby is awake between the first and second naps. Start by pushing each nap later by 15 to 30 minutes. Eventually, there isn’t time for the third nap.
Early Bedtime: Adjusting to an earlier bedtime may help avoid overtiredness while transitioning away from the third nap. During this phase, your baby's bedtime may shift to between 6:00 and 6:30 pm, gradually extending it until reaching the age-appropriate bedtime of 7:00-8:00 pm. This is typically the most effective time for helping babies fall asleep quickly and minimizing night wakings.
Be Consistent: Maintaining consistency is crucial while aiding your baby in adjusting to a new sleep routine. This transition can take 2-4 weeks for many babies. Practice patience and continue progressing steadily.