
Prepare your baby or toddler for Daylight Savings in spring

Written by Mellow Editorial Team | May 8, 2024 9:25:40 AM

Navigating the transition between Daylight Savings Time and your baby or toddler's sleep routine can be challenging. Here are three effective strategies to ease this transition and alleviate stress for your family. Feel free to select the approach that best fits your family's needs.

  1. Adjust gradually The week before the time change, shift your baby's schedule by 10 minutes earlier each day. This gradual approach helps ease the transition, especially for families with specific morning commitments.

  2. Shift your entire schedule forward Stick to the usual routine, enabling your baby or toddler to naturally adapt to the time change. For instance, if their regular wake-up time is 6:00 am, it will adjust to 7:00 am after the time change. Keep the wake window consistent, meaning all naps and bedtime will shift 1 hour ahead. Over the following days, gradually adjust your schedule by 10 minutes earlier each day until you return to your normal routine.

  3. Adjust over the weekend On Sunday morning, after the time change, wake the baby or toddler at their usual time. This plan is suitable for those with morning commitments who cannot make the shift gradually.
    Your baby or toddler might feel a bit tired that day, but it helps their body align with regular nap times and bedtime. The adjustment may not be flawless, so stick to your routines, observe your child, and make necessary adjustments throughout the week as you usually do.

Here are some other tips:

  • Light Exposure: Regulate the baby's circadian rhythm by getting outside in daylight during awake times and dimming lights an hour before bedtime.

  • Routine: Maintain consistent bedtime routines, as they play a crucial role in signalling the body that it's time for sleep.

  • Patience: Acknowledge that adjusting to a clock change takes time. Be patient with the baby's cues and give yourself grace during the transition.

Baby sleep can be tricky, but you are not alone. We have free guides that can help.